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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Parent Communication

This morning I’m linking up with the amazing Ashley and Angie for their monthly linky 2gether We Are Better!  This month is all things communication. 

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Nothing can make you or break you in parents eyes like your communication with them.  I try right from the beginning of the year to be open and available to my parents.  I live in the same neighborhood I teach in, so I am pretty accessible to parents.  It isn’t hard to get my cell phone number and many students will figure out which house in the neighborhood is mine.  I haven’t had any problems in the last 10 years and I think it’s because parents know that I am an open book!

One of my favorite tools to use for parent communication is an app called Remind.

Remind cover pic

I love it because it allows you to text parents right from your cell phone, but since the text sends through the app your cell phone number is protected and parents won’t get caught up in those dreaded group texts.  In fact, they can’t respond at all.  There is a feature that will allow you to chat if that is what you need!

So, how does it work…..


This step is super easy, and a great feature is that you can add multiple classes.  So, if you are departmentalized and see several classes you can add each one as a separate group!


I share my class code at Curriculum Night at the beginning of the year and in my class handbook that goes home.  At Curriculum Night I have a slide in my presentation with my class code and I have parents take out their cell phones and sign up right there.  This was my favorite part of the Remind app!  I don’t have to spend time each year entering all of my parent’s names and numbers, they text the number and code and it automatically enrolls them in the class!  Piece of cake!


I love this because I always have my phone with me.  So, if I leave school for the day and realize that I forgot to remind my kiddos to wear red for the school assembly the next day I can just grab my cell phone (not while I’m driving home of course!) and send a quick reminder.  Parents are much more likely to check their text messages than emails on their phone, it’s so much easier! 

I also love that you can schedule reminders to be sent.  I like to schedule them for dinner time, when I know that parents have usually left work for the day and are settling in with their families for the evening.


I try to sit down when I’m planning my week and set reminder texts for the week.  The night before music class I send a reminder to bring their recorders.  The night before library I will remind them that books are due.  During testing I sent quick encouraging reminders about testing snacks and healthy breakfasts!  It’s such a great way to send something quick and parents feel so connected and in the know about what is happening at school!

My daughter’s high school teachers use the app with their students.  If you teach students older than 13, you can have the students sign up as well.  They can receive reminders about homework and assignments that are due. 

The app is also great for clubs and sports teams.  My daughter’s dance teacher uses it to send reminders to the different groups and their student council advisor used it to send reminders about meetings and events!

I hope that you found this helpful and if you haven’t given Remind a try check it out for next school year….I just know that you will love it as much as I do!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Currently May

I cannot believe that it is May already…honestly where has the time gone.  It seems like every year they fly by at a faster rate.

Actually, a math teacher explained that it’s all about ratios.  When you are 8 and year is one eighth of your life and that feels like an eternity.  When you are 40 a year is one fortieth….it flies by at warp speed.

I am in disbelief that after 13 more days I will have a junior and sophomore in high school.

So, another month has flown by and it’s time for another Currently with Farley!


Listening:  I was a sobbing mess after the loss of McDreamy.  I wanted to remember happier times so I’ve been watching earlier seasons on Netflix. 

Loving:  Have you ever shopped on (the web address is actually they also have an app for your iPhone or iPad.  I am loving buying cute tops on there for great prices!  When I get paid through PayPal by TpT, I leave a litlle bit of money behind when I transfer it to my bank.  When I see something I love on Jane I buy it using my “leftover,” money in PayPal and it’s like I didn’t even pay for it!

Thinking: I can’t believe we are down to the last 13 days, which brings me to my Needing which is to start on my slideshow.  I still need to get all of my photos uploaded….it’s going to be quite the chore!

Wanting:  I am in love with my Kendra Scott earrings and I am obsessing over another pair….maybe Mother’s Day?

Summer Yes:  FCA Camp…we go every year, my husband is in charge of the basketball camp.  We stay in a dorm and eat dining hall food, a great reminder of why we worked so hard in college and I get to spend time with other coaches’ wives who totally get my life!

Summer Hope:  I am hoping still to get to Vegas for the conference.  I applied to teach summer school for the extra money so we will see!

Summer Dream:  I am also hoping that summer school could maybe pay for a much needed family vacation!

I’m off to check out everyone else’s Currentlys!  I love seeing what everyone is up to!  Head on over to Farley’s blog and link up to let everyone know what you are Currently up to!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Five For Friday

It’s Friday, There are only 2 more Fridays to go, and I am exhausted.  You know that saying…..

Teacher Tired  final

That is me!  13 days left of school.  I have 20 boys this year in my class of 31 and I am feeling it!  I love them all dearly but they are high energy right now and wearing me out! 
It’s Friday and it’s a miracle that I’m still awake so I’m linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday!

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Tonight I am wishing I was in Vegas.  I love the New Kids and I’m not ashamed to admit it.  I see their show every time they come to town and my friend and I celebrated our 40th birthdays last summer by seeing their show and going to the after party in Vegas last year!


Tonight they kick off their Main Event tour in Vegas and I so wish I was there! Only 11 more days and I get to see them live!

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This week was my award’s banquet for Pride of Peoria.  It was such an honor to be chosen and even more of an honor to have my name added to a list of teachers I have looked up to for years. 

POP Banquet
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Lindsey braces off

I took the day off on Wednesday to take my daughter to get her braces off.  She can’t stop smiling!!!  After the braces came off we stopped to get a pack of gum….it’s been 2 and a half years!  Then we went for a late breakfast before she had to get to school (can’t miss math class)!  I love the little stolen moments like that…I don’t have many of them left!

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While I was out on Wednesday, I had my sub read Miss Nelson is Missing.  Then they wrote their very own versions called, Mrs. Wood is Missing.  They were hilarious and creative and I am amazed by how well they know me.  They had me on Broadway, making a movie in Hollywood, eating gluten free pastry in France, and at a super secret teacher meeting of NUTPOT (Never Underestimate The Power Of Teachers)!

Missing Writing assignment
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Thursday was field day….it was also the first 100 degree day of the season!  I came home hot and exhausted, but it was worth it.  We are once again the Tug of War Champions of third grade!  It’s quite the legacy my classes are building!

Field Day

It’s been a crazy week and I am bracing myself for 13 more days of craziness!  Now I’m off to Doodle Bugs to check out what everyone else was up to this week!