Friday, July 12, 2013

Where I’ve Been….In Pictures

I wish I could tell you that I have been M.I.A. because I was on some amazing and relaxing vacation.  Unfortunately, the truth isn’t so glamorous!  It has been a busy couple of weeks.  So, here is where I’ve been, in pictures!
lemonade stand
This sweet boy from my class last year held a lemonade stand to collect donations for the fallen firefighters’ families here in Arizona.
lesson planning
Technically I still have 3 weeks left of summer break. But, I hate feeling overwhelmed and stressed out that first week so, I will be up at school this week for a couple of hours cleaning my room and putting it back together.  I have been working like crazy on lesson plans because there are so many changes coming this year with Common Core and the gifted cluster.  I like getting a head start on things.
lesson plan book
Putting together my lesson plan binder for the year. I reeeaaallllyyy want an Erin Condren planner but I just can't bring myself to spend the money right now.  If you have one I would love to know what you think and if it was worth the money!
As part of my lesson planning, I am working on putting together interactive notebooks for reading and math.  When I walked into Wal-Mart the other night and saw that the school supplies were out, I got a little giddy!  I {heart} school supplies!  I found these cute composition books and just knew they had to come home with me, and at 97cents who could argue!
new shirt
Sorry, I know this picture is blurry, I haven’t quite gotten the hang of selfies yet.  The Mr. and I had a date night last night.  We were invited to go see Jim Gaffigan, a stand up comedian.  It was such a fun night out and of course the occasion called for a new top to go with my slightly too tight jeans.  Ugh.  Need to step up the workouts!
recital shirt
THIS. SHIRT. UGH. This shirt (times 2) can explain away hours of my time. My girls’ dance recital is this weekend and they are in 13 dances.  Yes, you read that right….13!  One of the many things that I love about their dance teacher is that she gets that we have limited disposable income to spend on dance, so rather than order $70 costumes X 13 dances X 2 girls (that is $1820.00 for you math people out there), we make and piece together most of our costumes and they end up being so creative and look great on stage.  This is what she came up with for their angel dance.  We were responsible for all of the cutting and then they are jazzing it up with lace and paint.  I can’t wait to see what they look like on stage tomorrow!
Last, but not least, this book. 
My husband just finished it and said it was a must read.  Already I have seen how I need to change my parenting a little bit to make sure that my children are growing up with a strong sense of self and the ability to be independent and take care of themselves.
So, there are my excuses for being absent from Blog World for a while.  Not good ones, I know but I will try and do better.  I just found out that you can schedule posts, how did I not know about this before!  My goal is to set aside one or two nights for blogging and get some posts done and scheduled.  I think that will be much more manageable than trying to keep up with all of the fun linky parties and classroom happenings every day!
Happy Friday Everyone!


  1. I understand about wanting the Erin Condren planner, but not wanting to fork out the money for one. By the way, 13 dances? Wow!

    Just so you know, I nominated your blog for a Liebster Award. To find out more details check out my blog. :)

  2. I understand about being busy...thanks for catching us up. I'm with you on the planner...working on mine right now too.

    Teaching Little Miracles
