I am so excited to have reached this milestone on my blog, TpT, and Instagram all in the same week! To celebrate, I will be giving away freebies, having items on sale throughout the week, and having giveaways!
Here is the first giveaway and some freebies! I just finished updating all of my parent and student beginning of the year forms and all of my first week back activities.
Click here or on the picture to download my parent and student forms for free!
I also finished my Welcome Back Activities Pack. It includes a Fan-n-Pick getting to know you activity, a time capsule activity, Find Someone Who, “This is Me….,” file folder project, and a class banner activity. These activities are a great way to get to know your students and start building a classroom community.
To celebrate my 100 followers, this pack will be on sale for 50% in my store today and tomorrow, click here or on the picture to grab yours now! It will also be part of the giveaway so make sure you keep reading until the end and enter!
Okay, hang in there, this is a long post but it’ll be worth it…promise!
I have been planning for the first few weeks like crazy and updated my “Table Talk,” file AGAIN! If you’ve already purchased it make sure you go download the updates. If you haven’t gotten a copy yet, now is your chance! “Table Talk,” will be part of my giveaway and will also be on sale in my TpT store until Sunday! I added a few flap books since I will be using interactive reading notebooks this year.
Flap Book #1
Flap Book #2
Flap Book #3
I also made Table Talk questions to go with the story First Day Jitters. I decided that I want the first attempt at Table Talk to be focused on having a conversation, looking at the speaker, and really listening to each other. Not about trying to come up with questions to ask. So, I made questions ahead of time for the students to use. They will also serve a second purpose. When we learn about the difference between “book questions,” and “brain questions,” we will go back to the First Day Jitters questions and sort them. You can download the questions for First Day Jitters to use with “Table Talk,” here for FREE!
Now, here is your chance to enter to win your own copy of my Welcome Back Activities Pack, Table Talk, and any item of your choice from my TpT store! The giveaway will end on Sunday so that I can get everything out to the winner before we go hang out with the cast of Dance Moms! (more to come on that later!)
Thanks everyone for all of your love and support over the last almost year! Love you guys!