Monday, March 4, 2013

My New Favorite Spot in Our Room

Back in the fall, we had a big school wide fun run fundraiser.  Ten percent of the money our class raised went directly back to our classroom.  Let me just tell you that this could be the most competitive class I have ever had.  If there has been a competition for it, my class has won it.  So, we raised quite a bit of money and got quite a bit back to spend on our room.  We brainstormed some ideas and voted to revamp and refresh our classroom library.  New baskets (the old ones were breaking), a new labeling and organizing system (I let them vote since they use it) and new books ( a huge order to Scholastic!).  Our library has now become my new favorite spot in our room.  I just love the way it turned out.
I had to get one closer up so you could see the empty basket.  My class is in love with the Wayside School books by Louis Sachar.  They are my favorite read-alouds and they just can’t get enough of them.  I ordered several copies of each of the three books in the book order and they are all gone right now!  I love that they are so excited about books!
I am curious, how do you organize and manage your library?  I am thinking of trying the “Book Retriever,” app on my classroom ipod.  Has anyone used it?  Thoughts?
Happy Monday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Right now my library isn't organized at all. I have a bunch of books pulled out each month centered around what we are studying and any holidays. We also have SSR baskets that are leveled for students to select books from (I use animal cards for levels to try and keep the reading levels secret). For my personal use I keep a big read-aloud basket handy and have books divided by author and subject in tons of crates so I can pull out books each month. I've found it easier just to put books in the reading corner each month because my kinders can never get books back in the right spot!

